Yvonne sending emails is potentially a hacker.. DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINKS

If you have received a email from Yvonne bashing Lynne Fowler DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINKS given.


This is potentially a virus and a malicious attack on this website.  DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK AND DELETE EMAIL IMMEDIATELY.


I dont for one minute believe that Lynne has been "fired" from a volunteer group or that she has done anything the email says.  This is a way to get you to click on the link and it will give you a virus or it may be simply a way to hijack patrons from this website.. either way it is not in good faith.


Please give Lynne the opportunity to explain things.  She is knowledgeful, good hearted and has the best intentions I am sure of this.


Until this Yvonne can be checked out and isolated please be careful about any interaction with her.



Lynne if you are reading this and it is new knowledge please call me at my listed phone number anytime and I will forward what I have and help if I can.


Thank you all


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Thank You Krista. There is an attack underway, as usual by persons who once called me friend. Instead of parting ways peacefully, they continue to spread lies, continue to send ringers onto this site to start trouble and to petition members to leave and join them.

For those who do not know, there was a split here back in June. I resigned. This website, it's url and it's name was paid for and created by me. After a year, my ex-partner decided she wanted to be the sole person in charge and when she did not like my standing up to her, she emptied out our bank account, changed the passwords to our Paypal account and attempted to take over this site, but I was able to shut it down before she could do it.

I and other's have tried to move on, we have not commented or continued the drama in public and want to do good and try to help people and dogs but that is not her way. She continues to slander me on whatever forum will listen. I cannot change the url doodlerescuecollective.com on the site according to the platform (NING) I am on. I have purchased rescuecollective.com and oodlesofdoodles.org to differentiate this site from them.

I am sorry for your being spammed by Yvonne. When I caught her today, I spoke with her, at which time she started accusing me of my ex-partners usual rant, so I banned her. I have vowed to keep the DRAMA of the past off this site.

The non-profit legal rescue Yvonne mentions, has just recently become so. We started it together and I have many pages of papers to prove this. We filed the paperwork together in January of this year. It was not an official entity until after they left this site. I find it ironic that they now accuse me of doing what they did for a year and a half with no Non-profit status.

I don't believe there is a virus attached to the note. Yvonne is gone and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your support and belief in me. I have vowed to not bring myself or this "rescue site" down to her level. I have not solicited any money and I have tried to help others. Again, I am sorry I did not catch Yvonne sooner.

I would appreciate if you would send me what you have so that I can keep it in my files as proof of what has transpired. I am so sorry you were targeted like that and again, Thank You for your support.
Lynne, I feel like you have bared most everything through out this site and I would defend you again! :0) I am sorry I overreacted a bit but I worked for many years in the IT dept at a fortune 500 company and specifically supporting their websites. Hackers were a constant and it is amazing to me how creative people can get.

Of course the biggest scam right now is the craigslist "dog to be rehomed" I just dont know where these ideas come from.. these people seem to be so smart but yet so dumb to be criminals! :-)

Good Luck with all the other issue. We appreciate the drama not being "aired" and allowing us to just be dog lovers or seekers!

Thanks again for all you do for us and the puppy dogs!
That certainly is my goal, Kris. Sadly, because I didn't crawl off and die, they cannot handle it. I will never be what they are, so do not worry about it coming here. They have tried to hit me before and tonight all over the Internet, but all they continue to do is make themselves look pathetic. Those who know me, know I am not the person they paint me to be and those are who I care about. I now count you as one of those friends. Thank You again. If you ever have any question, don't be afraid to ask. You make a great watch dog! LOL Thanks for having my back.
Krista, thank you for raising this and not "falling" for the drama. And don't worry about thinking it was a virus, etc., who knows these days. You're right, people are very creative.

Lynne has done a nice job putting together a place where people can easily search "oodles" of poodle-mix listings and a social forum where, like you said, people can just be dog lovers and seekers. Unfortunately, there are still a few who seem to enjoy "mudslinging" both on other social forums and here. Social forums are supposed to be fun and, certainly, searching for a dog to adopt should be a positive experience. Lynne works hard to keep the drama off RRC - to make sure RRC is a fun place. But it seems periodically someone comes along to "sling mud". Hopefully, one day these people will move on, refocus their energy for something good, and just let Lynne and RRC be.
Hi there, been lurking for a while here and elsewhere. Oh yeah I've hit the DRC as well so have heard some of the background.

Question: why when I go to petfinder and click on the lick for a dog being fostered by the group, why do I get sent to this website, which has no information on the dog I am interested in. You guys may be feuding but you are not doing the dogs any favours. Get the links straight at least.

As you keep saying this is not a rescue org just a resource. Let those who know how to rescue do that work and you keep to whatever it is you're doing here,
Phil, The rescue you are referring to began on this site. I helped create it and market it on many websites. There are still many links, back here, out there on the Internet.

I do not control their Petfinder account. They do. Any broken links are from their mistake. I have tried to change as many links as I can to http://rescuecollective.com and http://oodlesofdoodles.org.

The NING platform will not let me change the original url http://doodlerescuecollective.com as it was started in January, 2009. I have it written in several places, that this is not the rescue with that name and if someone asks, I tell them.

There is no feud on my part. I am moving on and trying to save dogs. I work with 2 other rescues, still foster dogs, still list and send urgent dogs to other rescues and try to aid and educate. The rescue that is no longer a part of this website are not the only people who "know how to do" rescue work.
Lynne, someone at NING is not sterring you in the right direction. No you can't change a legally registered domain name, but you certainly can transfer the .com name as you are the registered "owner". However, all you own is the name not the site itself. Whoever designed, wrote, edited and contributed to the site owns the content.

NING does not control the Internet naming registry. So all you have to do to see this corrected is to contact someone from the other group and transfer the doodlerescuecollective.com domain name to another technical and admin person. I've done that very thing many times. I have registered many domain names for clients who are not savvy enough to do it themselves. And I've created their websites and did the updates. In one case, it was a B&B and the lady finally sold her business and the website along with it. Easy as pie, I contacted the web hosting site and arranged to have the domain name transferred which effectively transferred the admin account to the new owner and the website itself. I was paid for my work so no skin off my nose.
Phil, I am not sure about all you are saying. The url in the addy window says doodlerescuecollective.com. That is the url that was purchased by me in January 2009. At which time, I AND my friend at the time, built this site. WE designed, wrote, edited and contributed to the start, continuation and growth of this website.

I have contacted NING and have gone through the Creators discussions and I have been told and read that it cannot be changed unless I start a new site. Through the Internet Naming Registry, I have purchased 2 other urls and have them directed here so that I do not have to use drc.com in any of my advertising. Nonetheless, they were out before they were a non-profit, they started a new site and they certainly could have done the change, also.
But you are now purposefully creating confusion for folks who click on links that are supposed to send them to the OLD. But instead it brings them here. Why won't you surrender the original name? You're not using it are you?
Because it is attached to THIS site and I cannot. I have tried and cannot change it according to the platform I am on.
Since you won't let me reply to your post I'll post this. What you are saying is NOT true. I happen to know how the Internet works and how websites work and how the domain naming system works. I am an information technology specialist have been for years. Your new url has this content connected with it. All you have to do is surrender the .com and connect all of this site's content to the RRC.com url. It's not rocket science.
Phil, If your here in good faith why dont you offer assistance instead of accusations?

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