"Y'know, I think you should blog about this," Liz mentioned to me earlier today. "It would be interesting to highlight a different kind of foster."

When she called me a few weeks ago, Liz mentioned that a fellow member needed some help due to a medical issue. I think I said yes before the sentences were fully formed in her brain. With a sister on the other side of the continent facing her own serious health challenges, I am too well aware of how difficult it can be for a person who lives alone to care for a beloved animal when things go wrong.

Clyde, the big black boy on the couch (shh, don't tell his person!) has been with us for a few weeks. We're all smitten; perhaps you can tell by the picture that some of us who shall remain nameless are particularly taken with him. He's settled in to our routine, sleeping when we sleep, playing when we play, and helping me pick up random stuffed animals off the floor. Of course, that final point has occasionally made him less than popular with the youngest 2-leggers in our family, but Clyde more than makes up for it at night when he trots up the stairs alongside Talullah to say goodnight to our children.

We know this isn't forever. As my husband put it earlier as we were driving to the dog park, "Some friends can only come to visit for a short time." We're letting this eager kiss-giver worm his way into our hearts (and onto our couch!) a bit at a time, knowing full well he's going home soon.

Home. To his person. Where he belongs. This dog has important work to do.

Until then, he'll be here with us, keeping Talullah on her toes and keeping the floors clear of stuffed animals.


By the way, I'm not writing this because I'm looking for accolades. There's no heroism in taking in a perfectly-behaved dog for a month or two. Chances are, if you're a member, you'd do the same.

Views: 46


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Member Since 2009
Comment by Karen Robbins on February 16, 2010 at 1:21pm
It was a pleasure meeting you the other night and enjoyed our short time together although under not so good circumstances. My initial impression of you was warm, kind and loving to say the least! Especially because you have traveled two nights in a row from Stamford to Windsor to help find this lost adorable doodle. After reading this story all I can say is AMAZING! YOU ARE ONE OF A KIND!
Love your new friend,

Member Since 2009
Comment by Patty on February 16, 2010 at 10:03am
I saw TX Clyde, and oh my, he is a beauty. I wish I were closer! Thank you, Ron & Caren, for taking him in. Thank you to all of us who foster. Just... thank you.

Thanks to you all for your comments. Paul and I (and our boys) are happy to do our part. We are hopeful that the DRC can continue to rally around Clyde and his person; the need for aid, support and help (as Lynne put it) may not go away when Clyde goes home.

Comment by LM Fowler - Admin on February 15, 2010 at 10:01am
Our vision for this site and rescue was always to be a community...a collective of people who aid, support and help each other. This story is the perfect example of that mission. Patty, you deserve accolades and huge doodle hugs for being the wonderful person that you are. All of us, here, Thank You for all you are doing to help this family.

Member Since 2009
Comment by Jeannine, Gamine & Thalie on February 14, 2010 at 9:29am
I know that you are not looking "for accolades" but here they are. Your big heart not only save Clyde from more suffering in his short life but you also save his Dad. Now, because of you and your family they will be soon reunite and will help each other to heal and be happy for a long life together. Yes, most of us would try to do the same but you just didn't try you did it. Bless your big tender heart, you're a real foster mom.

Member Since 2009
Comment by Jodie Hart on February 14, 2010 at 12:09am
It's so special that you are fostering him Patty! It would break my heart to give that sweet boy back and I so admire you for what you're doing.....Blessings to you and I pray for improved health for his mommy too.......

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