Please read these stories from the Doodle Messenger - they will break your heart

The Doodle Messenger is adding two new dogs to the site and they both have unbearably sad stories.


Trouper is the beloved labradoodle of a medically retired police officer and his disabled wife, who, at only 8 months old became lame, unable to put any weight on his front leg. He has been diagnosed with OCD -Osteocondrosis Dissecans - he has a piece of loose cartilage which has detached.  Due to the advanced nature of the condition, surgery is the only real option, and the estimate for this is around $1400. As his owner says, "With our finances, it may as well be a million. With the surgery, the prognosis is excellent for a full recovery, although a slight limp may remain.  I was always one of those people who said it was silly to spend thousands of dollars you don't have on an injured dog, but now that I have a dog who I love and who loves me..... I'll do anything I can to make it happen.  This includes asking family, friends....and even strangers for financial assistance.  If we can get even a little help, it would get us that much closer to getting the surgery done. "


Cali is a sweet 2 1/2 year old labradoodle, who is very very sick. She became ill, listless, and was found to be bleeding internally, with severely damaged bone marrow. She's had to have many transfusions, and was also diagnosed with IMHA -Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia. (More specifics on Cali's condition can be found on the website.) Her vet bills have topped $14,000.
Her owner writes: "Neither my wife nor I can lose this Labradoodle.  We are committed to her and love her as much as we love any other member of our family.  We both cry constantly at the thought of what she is going through and the thought of losing her.  We visit her twice a day and my wife has taken a leave of absence from her job as a nurse and I am a disabled heart patient.  Both of us spend as much time as the hospital will allow us to spend with Cali to give her our love and support.  The hospital has allowed us a lot of time since everybody there has fallen in love with this wonderful dog.  The emotional attachment of the staff to Cali is unbelievable.   Please don't let us lose our little girl because of a lack of money.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for any help that you can give.  We need help ASAP as Cali is still in the hospital and the bills continue to rise."

PLEASE visit to read more about these two doodles, and donate if you can. We KNOW money is tight and times are hard but these two dogs really need our help. Any amount would help.

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How heartbreaking these stories are. I hope that if any of my members has a few extra dollars, they will send them to this worthy group, who are trying to do great and wonderful things for these beautiful, ill dogs. Thank you, Karan for sharing these with us and we will all go check out all the stories on the Doodle Messenger site.
Thanks Lynne and all. Cali remains in grave condition, but she remains a fighter against some huge odds of transfusions of blood and platelets...from out of her state come the platelets. Her Mom and Dad love her so...and so do the specialty vets and technicians where she is staying most of the time. If you cannot donate with money, donate with thoughts for this family...a traumatic illness for all. Trooper's Mom and Dad cannot afford his surgery. They are putting it off until they can find a way to gather more funds.
The remaining Doodles on the Messenger are still with us...beating timelines and odds, let us hope we can find donors or sponsors to help them. We are in the process of reaching out to corporate donors as I write this, but if anyone has an extra ten or twenty dollars, believe me, the need is desperate. Thanks Lynne for allowing us to share these sick Doodles with your readers.
Awh, we are sending our thoughts and prayers for healing and strength to Cali and all the sick Oodles who need help.

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