COMING SOON! Update on the "Arkansas Doodle Project"


Stay tuned for photos and heartwarming stories from adopters of the Arkansas Doodles that were dumped, abused, poisoned, injured, or otherwise doomed to die without your help!

All are doing well with the exception of poor Grant, who has a fractrured pelvis and had been poisoned with rat poison.  He is still struggling, but hopefully will make it.  Please send Doodle prayers for Grant!

Thanks Ginny says "thanks" to all who helped GunnDogs help these lovely Doodles!

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You have done amazing things with these abused pups. Good food and kindness does bring them around quickly, I know. Sad to think that people could mistreat these innocent creatures or that someone might withhold donations raised for them, when they were so needy. I am so glad they are doing so much better and the Universe is smiling on them and you.
I am terribly worried about Grant - he is continuing to vomit a lot, and has lost what little weight he has gained. I am afraid I may feel a mass now in his abdomen, so he will be seeing the vet on Monday. Please send prayers to Grant - he has had such a rough time. If anyone would like to help out with his vet bills, you can call my vet directly - Park Hill Pet Hospital - 501-758-7387. They know me well there - oh, too well - LOL! My bill with them each month probably pays their rent, and I have gotten behind - argh! I am so embarrassed that I was not able to pay my bill after over $2000.00 was taken from the Arkansas Doodle Project by "that other rescue", that I have avoided taking Grant to the vet because of it. Anyway, after the fiasco with the misappropriated donations, I am loathe to even ask - so thought maybe if people knew they could send a donation directly to my vet, that might help assure everyone that the Arkansas Doodles will actually get the donations this time!
Anyway, paws crossed that Grant will be ok...I gave him some Zantac earlier tonight before his dinner, and so far no vomiting - but he seems to do it in the night mostly. I have tried everything I can think of and am out of ideas on what might be wrong, and now with feeling the mass I'm really worried. If anyone has any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me. My home number is 501-888-8516, my email address is (also my Paypal account address). Thanks for all the kind words of welcome from everyone!

I tried to attach a photo of this awful thing I had removed from Josephine's leg, speaking of the Arkansas Doodles and vets....hope the photo comes through and not just that gobbledy gook that's there now. We'll see....
This thing looked like a brain on her leg - she had two of them - ick! Josephine is available for adoption and can be seen on my Petfinder site - shelter ID AR221.
(I put her pic and link in for you)

Oh my, Eliz. That's an awful looking thing. What is that and more importantly, what causes something like that to grow?
It's just horrible when our pups are sick. I can't imagine days and days of it. We all send our prayers and hopes that Grant will be OK. We'll do what we can to help, too.
Poor babies. I hope Grant will be okay and Josephine too. You are doing such a great job with them. They now all know what love and care mean only because of you. You are an angel!

As for the "other rescue" we all know how awful and liar they are. I pray that you will receive enough donations to cover your vet's cost because of "their" sinful action.
The vet said it was a fatty tumor of some sort - isn't it ugly??? I've never seen one on the outside of the skin like that. Good thing is, she got to have a dental while she was asleep for the leg brain, so now she has a clean smile!! They pulled a couple of broken teeth. Josie is a senior gal and needed some spiffing up! She is a lot hairier (is that a word?) now - need to post some new pics...she looks like a big teddy bear.
Thanks - they are a bunch of very happy dogs, that's for sure!
I know - and for Grant, it has been weeks and weeks of fighting to bounce back from his former life. Thanks for the kind words - I will let Grant know everyone is pulling for him.
Oh my, I'm coming into this discussion late. Elizabeth - thanks for the updates and for the work you do. I'm sorry, and shocked, to hear that another "rescue" (term used loosely) would take away donations intended for the care of these pups.

I will keep Grant in my thoughts - please keep us posted on his progress. That fatty growth on Josephine is indeed odd. I had a golden retriever that had a lot of them, one was extremely large over her entire back thigh, but none ever looked like a "brain"...LOL.
Have you ever seen oe on the outside like that? I haven't. Odd.

an update on Grant - he is at the vet's - he does have a very large mass in his abdomen - it doesn't look good at all. They are going to to exploratory surgery either this afternoon or tomorrow. I am cashing in my IRA to pay for his surgery. I feel so bad that I waited at all to take him to the vet - but once I found the mass, I got him right in. I have a terrible feeling about this, and have been crying all morning. Sometimes rescue is so heartbreaking. Please continue to send prayers for Grant and while you're at it, ask God to please help me get through this. My heart is breaking.

This is Grant

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