Please Don't Call It Euthanasia!

Euthanasia: the act or practice of killing or permitting the death ofhopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy. (Webster’s 10th Collegiate Dictionary).

The vast majority of animals killed in pounds are not hopelessly sick or injured, and yet so many of the e-mails I receive, articles and rescue posts I read, or people I hear speaking about animals in the pound who are about to be killed say that they are going to be “euthanized.” This is not euthanasia. Being killed when you are healthy or treatable and want very much to live is not a “good death” (the literal meaning of the word).

I would like to appeal to everyone involved in rescue and animal advocacy (and everyone else for that matter) to stop using the wordeuthanasia when describing an animal who is not terminally ill or irremediably suffering, but is being killed by the “shelter” only for ostensible lack of space. 

Posted by Tina Clark

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I have to agree. "Euthanasia" makes it sound so benign, when it is a horrible, preventable tragedy. IMO, we need to make breeders pay "litter fees" that go directly to animal control in the county. That would stop many people from breeding, To me, it is insane to continue allowing people to breed endlessly, when thousands of excess dogs and cats are killed every day.There are too many dogs being bred for too few good homes. This is part of my signature:

If I stated that I had just returned from a country that manufactured
20,000 "widgets" a day,
even though they had hundreds of thousands of widgets sitting unused in
and then also daily destroyed 16,000 widgets because there was no more room
to store them,
you would think I had visited a nation of backwards morons. That is exactly
what is happening
in this country every day, except the "widgets" are living beings who often
suffer horribly before
having their lives prematurely ended.--Kris King
Perfect analogy, Kris. I never will understand why the laws on breeding and Mandatory Spay/Neuter laws are not stronger or in many cases, there is no law at all in place. Breeders should have to get a licence, just like if you want to hunt or fish or carry a gun. That would deter many from backyard breeding and accidental breeding would be greatly reduced and so many animals wouldn't be dying in shelters everyday because there's nowhere for them to go. I have to get a town licence for my dogs and mandatory rabies shots, so the infrastructure is already in place in most towns, to enforce or licence mandatory spay/neuter, and breeding licences.

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