This article was sent to me on Twitter by the shelter manager of KY Humane:

Each year, endless streams of companion animals find themselves on the doorstep of an animal welfare organization, and every day there are dedicated people working tirelessly to help these homeless dogs, cats, puppies and kittens find a better life. There are several such groups in Louisville, and they vary in size, scope of programs, number of pets saved and operating policies. Yet, all of these worthy groups strive toward the same end — the alleviation of animal suffering. One of these groups is an organization that I have chosen to lead, the Kentucky Humane Society (KHS).

Those affiliated with a humane group often use industry jargon, using terms such as open admissions, selective intake, "no kill" shelter and "kill" shelter. These terms are often confusing and sometimes misleading to the average citizen, as they simply refer to an agency's intake policy.

Open admissions facilities ("kill" shelters) choose, or are mandated by local ordinance, to take in any companion animal regardless of age, health, temperament or space. They are there for all pet owners, even if it means making difficult decisions once the pet is relinquished — the philosophy being that there is more suffering for unwanted, unloved strays out on the streets than in a sheltering environment. KHS humanely euthanizes less than two percent of animals due to shelter overcrowding, but we are striving to make that statistic zero percent.

Read the entire article Here.

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