OT: Black Friday, Cyber Monday - Did you get a deal? Share it!

I thought some OT discussion would be fun.  I am a Canuk who lives on a border town (right next to Buffalo, NY) and quite frankly I do most of my shopping in the US.  But, the one weekend of the year I avoid shopping in Buffalo is the Thanksgiving weekend - Black Friday, etc.  I just can't handle the crowd.  So, were the deals really that good?  Did you get something great?  Should I have gotten up at 1 a.m. to get in line by 2 a.m.?  What did I miss???

P.S. - What was Cyber Monday?  Sit on your butt and shop online day?  I am a professional in that department and didn't see any great deals.  What gives?

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I did some shopping on Monday on Amazon only because I like that they have my info and I can just click and go. Some stuff was shipped today, from shopping online yesterday. I am not a big "Deals" shopper unless it's a big ticket item. But I usually look for Free Shipping and Amazon has that for most items. I only need a couple more things and my holiday shopping is done. Oh, and for what it's worth, I avoid Black Friday like the plague.
I really didn't see too many great deals. I went over to Buffalo on Monday and stopped by the Apple store to check out the iTouch and iPad (DH wish list). I asked them if they had any deals on either for black Friday and was told it was a 10% off deal. OK, seriously, 10% off is not enough to make me leave the toasty comfort of my bed. LOL. The funniest part was that the Apple store employee was giving me a demo of the iPad by showing me how you can go on eBay. I kid you not - the first ad that came up was some eBay retailer who was offering the iPad for 10% off. I asked the Apple employee if they would match it and I got a "no". But she was a good sport about it and even said it was pretty embarrassing that that happened during her demo.
That's too funny. I found for that sort of thing, I do great at Best Buy. I don't know if you have those North of the Border, but I bought my 3-ATT iPhones, my computer and my Verizon Air Card there and got a better deal and better service than at an ATT store.

I mostly bought a bunch of dog toys (Skineez) and had to get 2 new paw print stockings for Rip and Bella, because they weren't here last year. Bella needed a coat for the winter and some Bully Stix, which are gold around here. I got a few small things for the boys and hubby and I are looking for a flat screen TV for the family room for our gift. Basically, I'm done. LOL

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