Nov 11, 2008 1:23 pm US/Eastern
Buy Internet Puppies At Your Peril
CHICAGO (CBS) ― Shopping online is more popular than ever, and now some people are even buying pets online.

With the click of a mouse, you can shop for the exact puppy you're looking for much less than pet stores charge.

"The dog was $450, and that seems like a steal of a price for an English bulldog," online puppy buyer T.J. Gajda told CBS station WBBM-TV in Chicago.

But the woman he dealt with for more than a month kept adding expenses, totaling more than $1,000. He never got the puppy, and she didn't return phone calls to WBBM-TV.

"She threw the bait, she reeled me in," Gajda says. "She scammed me and she conned me."

If you actually do get a puppy online, experts say you're making a big mistake if you buy it without visiting the breeder to see the puppy and its parents.

"If the mother is sick or the dogs come from an environment that's dirty and diseased-filled, of course the puppy's going to be sick," veterinarian Sheldon Rubin says. "Don't buy blindly."

One couple learned that lesson the hard way after they ordered a puppy from Puppies On Wheels. They paid $900 - $100 of it for delivery by a truck they had to meet at 1 a.m. along the highway. The dog appeared sick.

Puppies On Wheels is operated by Kathy Bauck. As WBBM-TV Investigators disclosed last month, Bauck now faces animal-cruelty charges in Minnesota. The cruelty charges were based on video taken by an investigator for the Companion Animal Protection Society (CAPS). It shows Bauck dunking dogs in a diluted but toxic insecticide.

The CAPS investigator did see a veterinarian examining puppies before they're shipped, as required by the Department of Agriculture. The couple's puppy came with a certificate saying it had no signs of infectious, contagious and communicable diseases.

The USDA is reviewing the CAPS video and could revoke Bauck's breeding license, but that won't necessarily change things.

"Internet sales are not regulated by the USDA," Deborah Howard of CAPS says. "Even if she's convicted … she'll still be able to run Puppies On Wheels."

Some Internet sites help shelters find homes for rescue dogs.

"I felt comfortable with it because I thought I was adopting a puppy,saving a dog's life," says Holly Peeples.

The Website warned that the puppy had weak legs but was doing great. But days after Daisy arrived, she was diagnosed with serious problems.

"She had a blood disorder, she had pneumonia very badly," Terry Peeples said. "She was dealing with some parasites."

Even with vet bills totaling $3,000, Daisy had to be put to sleep.

Bauck's attorney says that if puppies are sick she does not ship them.

She has pleaded not guilty to the cruelty charges. Her attorney claims that the CAPS investigator fabricated evidence when he recorded conditions at her breeding farm last spring.

Since then the USDA cited Bauck for not providing adequate vet care to sick animals. Its last inspection report found no violations, but the agency is now reviewing the undercover video for possible future action.

This is just one story with one breeder. The Internet has 1000's of unscruplous people trying to take your money or sell you a puppy mill dog. They lure you in with nice sites and have papers and might even tell you they are a rescue. BUT...that is far from the truth.

Unless you go to the home where the puppies are, are invited to meet the parents and see the pups, BUYER BEWARE. We will post more stories like this one, because sadly, this is too common.

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Only about the money isn't it. Peoples greed undermines anyone else's belief that they are saving a dog, or bringing home that sweet puppy. How do these people sleep at night or hold their heads up in the face of deceiving others? Or mistreating an animal who only looks to us for food, warmth and shelter, how low can these type of people stoop?
You would be sickened by just how low! My research has taken me to some really digusting places. I can't even bring the whole of it here. Suffice it to say that there are people on the Internet calling themselves "Rescue" people who are really PuppyMill Brokers selling their commodities. People are onto where petstore puppies come from, so these people have found another way to sell. Some even have really nice websites and call themselves "Breeders." Of course, they are selling for less than reputable breeders do, so people go to them. And the cycle just continues.
It is very sickening and frightening at the same time. And where does it stop.... I know, I know "one at a time" but I still feel for every one of them who don't find homes or end up in a life of existence that should not be acceptable to anyone or any animal.... my heart breaks a little more for each of them.....
I know!
I guess I was on a roll, I have read so much on this website and have not voiced too much of my opinion and I guess I held in it too long and let loose. I don't like what is happening with the unfavorable breeders, puppy mills and so on and so on. As I was on this website, a friend of mine sent me a video and it brought tears to my eyes as this only showed me even more how far removed these type of people are. I hope you don't mind that I share it on this forum...
This is exactly the place to share your outrage and anger. This is why we started this forum ... so that we don't have to sugar coat it or make nice about it. Some of it is nasty, sickening and heartwrenching. But unless we tell ... no-one will know. We can be the little voices who didn't make it, tell the stories of the mothers left behind and help as many as we can. That is one of the purposes of this forum. Don't be afraid of getting pissed off here, Deena. As we snuggle our cutie pies, we remember the others!

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