If you start your research into Commercial Dog Food Companies, you begin to get sick. That a company would put some of the crap into the food we feed our family members is disgusting. Go on...do your own research. Do a search engine search like "What is in dogfood" and read some of the stuff that comes up. Pick up a copy of "Pet Food Politics" or "Food Pets Die For" and read the awful truth.

Homecooking is the logical alternative. Sure there are some good companies out there, making good dogfood, but at one time the others were good too. How can we ever know that the food will remain the priority and not profits and shareholders and saving money?

Chicken, fresh veggies and brown rice will cost far more in the long run than the vet bills and the loss of our dogs. That a dog cannot eat human food is a lie. In fact, before the 1960's guess what most dogs ate. Human food and whatever they caught. Dogs balanced their diets over time rather than the "Complete and Balanced" lie purported by commercial dogfood companies. AND...dogs lived longer, had fewer vet visits and rarely did we hear about cancers in dogs.

Dr. Pitcairns, "Natural Health for Dogs and Cats," became my bible to start. If you don't already have it...get it. It is a great book to have in your library.

More next time...

Views: 162


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Member Since 2009
Comment by Jeannine, Gamine & Thalie on July 15, 2010 at 8:08am
Good start there Lynne!
You're the most expert person in dog food I know so far.
Is that book listed somewhere?
Can't wait for the "next time"!

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