I adopted Sugar just 2 days ago. She is a sweet little maltepoo, listed in the Southeast listings if you want to read her bio. She is very sad after being taken from the only home she's known when her owners went into a nursing home. She has bared her teeth and snapped at me when I tried to wash her face or brush her. I know right now she is skittish and just needs to get to know me but how long do I wait before I try to train her to allow me to wash and brush her? I have never rescued a dog before, so this is all new to me. Didn't realize how hard it can be but I am ready for the challenge. I just want her to be happy and relaxed right now but she is a snapper and that's really not acceptable. Any and all advice on how to make sure Sugar is happy in her new home is welcome! Thanks, Pat

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Comment by Susan D. on October 8, 2010 at 6:57pm
Pat, I am glad to see that you posted your blog. Congratulations on adding Sugar to your family. I think the answer is to give her time. She is so afraid ad snapping is her only way to show her fear. Lynne is right...just give her time to settle in a bit and she will come around.

Comment by LM Fowler - Admin on October 8, 2010 at 1:00pm
Patricia, It takes a rescued dog at the least a few days and at the most a few weeks to feel safe and know they are home. She may be a snapper out of fear. Ignore her and don't push yourself on her. Let her come around slowly to you. I have a Chi-mix who is/was like this and it was all fear based. Now, she is snuggly and happy but is still fearful of strangers. Give her space to just observe and be patient and she will come around. Don't label her a snapper just yet. Sending hugs and strength and talk it out with us whenever you need reassuring.

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