Our Friends rescued this beatiful, Itty Bitty Girl in August, 2010. Sadly, Peaches passed away and has now gone to The Rainbow Bridge. Our Hearts are breaking for her foster mom Deb and Peaches. Rest in Peace Sweet Girl! Run Free.

Philly girl, Peaches needs your help August 4th, 2010 5:32 pm ET

Peaches after rescue
Peaches after rescue
Photos courtesy of Debbie Sanville

Peaches spent the first six years or so of her life living in a crate at the home of an animal hoarder. Hoarding is a mental illness for the hoarder but to a pet, a hoarder can be a nightmare.

It is surmised Peaches sustained a spinal cord injury which prevents her from using her hind legs. Add to that she was left in a crate to soak in her own urine and feces for years causing large open wounds as you can clearly see in the picture.

A mere twenty-four hours in the hands of Sanville and Peaches has gotten three baths to wash the stench off her, a visit with a veterinarian and a call out to the rescue community for a wheeled cart to help her get around.

Because Peaches can still wag her tail the vet suspected her ambulation limitation may be reversible. Upon examination the vet diagnosed her with a hip dislocation in addition to the old spinal cord injury and is recommending surgery, physical therapy and hydrotherapy. With these treatments he feels Peaches will one day be able to walk around unaided!


Peaches- could she be any cuter??

Peaches & goodies from Aunt Cyndy! YUM!!

Peaches says Good morning!!

Peaches says: Ah....being clean feels SO good!!

Peaches post-MRI ..We are headed home !

Poor Peaches....

October 5, 2010

It is with the greatest of sadness that I tell you that Peaches, the adorable, sweet,
paralyzed poodle who stole everyone's heart- most of all mine-died early this
morning after a restless night. Peaches slept in my arms every night-and went
to heaven from our bed. I loved her more than I can say. Pls say a little
prayer that she runs at full speed, on all fours, over the Rainbow Bridge
tor eternal fun with her doggie pals. Farewell Peachpocket. Woof.

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