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Views: 239


People who have their dogs "off leash". I'm sorry I know some people are proud that they have trained their dog to be "off leash", but my opinion is that you never know, the dog could still surprise you. My preference is safety first, especially if you are out walking your dog.

1. There is a family in my neighbourhood that frequently have their dog off leash in their yard. They live on a fairly busy road. On two separate occasions, the dog bolted out of their yard to come see me and the girls. The one time I had to wave my arms frantically because there was traffic coming. So, here I am with two big doodles, trying to wrestle another large breed dog who doesn't even have a collar on for me to grab, and keep everyone safe and out of traffic, until their irresponsible owners come to get the dog. I worry about this dog.

2. There is another family in my neighbourhood who have a goldendoodle, and have bragged to me that they have trained her to walk off leash. Guess what happened when I crossed paths with them with my girls? That goldendoodle dashed to come see us.
People who return a rescue dog after one day because she did a nervous pee and poop in the house. Why get a dog in the first place if you are not willing to spend the time training her? No dog is perfect and rescue dogs already have fears and need to be taught and reassured. If you expect to never have pee or poop in your a stuffed dog.
Agree 110%! So sad that this mentality exists. What would be expected of a puppy (which so many people decide upon)? Seriously, people, a suggestion: some patience, training/consistency, and a wet vac for couple hundred dollars (I am sure people spend more on a couple pairs of shoes).
Welcome back, Sue. How was your time away?

I was talking about Zoey. She was returned after one day. She has been her 4 days now and only had one accident. She can hold it all night and all day. Stupid people...aarrgghh.

Glad you're back. I missed you.
Yeah, I figured you were talking about poor baby Zoey. So sad.

Vacation was great, but I missed my girls something fierce. Didn't help when I saw a couple doodles - I almost ran over and gave them bear hugs. But I resisted, which I am sure their owners appreciated. Anyways, I am glad to be back. Thanks.
Need pet friendly vacation spots in Myrtle Beach that allow more than 2 dogs!!! What are us "oodle of doodle" owners supposed to do???
Stay home! LOL
Yes, "The Man" would have it that way, eh? But, goddammit, I will go to the beach with my doodles if I want!!!! And if Georgia wants to pee in the Atlantic, so be it :)
They don't pee...or the ocean. They splash, jump and run in it. But when nature calls they find a dry sandy spot.
My "man" is the opposite. I would rather stay home and he wants to go, go, go.
Now that you mention it, you are right - the girls never "defecate" in water.

I will have to watch out for those "soft bumps" in the sand now....LOL.
LOL warm and squishy bumps.


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