When I first saw this face on a KY Kill Shelter's website, there was something about that face that caused me to keep coming back to it.

Gabe was listed as a terrier mix but those eyes seemed to say, some sort of Oodle. So, I tagged him and hoped he'd get to come to NJ to find his Forever Home. I was allowed to have him. Finding transport wouldn't be too difficult as there are people all over this country driving Southern Kill Shelter Dogs North to safety and I just needed to get him on one. Toni K. of The Road Warriors agreed to bring him to me.


Transport day was exciting and as I received updates from one transporter to the next, we were able to follow Gabe's journey out of the South. I started a thread on Facebook and many others began to follow his trip, too. So many times, we see the sad stories of kill shelters and those left behind that I  think Gabe's story was one of those happy tales we all look forward to reading.


Leg by leg, ten in all, Gabe made his way from KY to NJ. As he got within an hour, my son Dan and I made our way to the drop off spot. Arriving early, we sat and read all the posts on Facebook on my iPhone. Everyone was so excited and when the car finally arrived carrying Gabe, even he was excited to come out and meet us as though he knew of all the people who were rooting for him. One of the transport cars sent us this picture. Doesn't he look excited?


Gabe was a perfect house guest and one of the easiest going fosters I ever had. He seemed to love everyone and everything. His excitement was infectious in our house. He was such a happy puppy, you couldn't be upset or sad or mad at him, at all. He would stand up and put his paws on your shoulders and his head against your chest as if to say, "Please don't be mad at me, I am sorry, I forgot where I was supposed to do my business."


He loved the yard and all the snow and rolled in it every chance he could get. I got a few applications for him but none seemed to be the perfect fit until Jackie and Steven's came in.


They met Gabe and he chose them. Which is how I like to do it. He jumped up and put his paws on her shoulders and put his head on her chest, as if to say, "I choose you!"

Gabe is now HOME with his Forever Family. A month ago, he was on death row in a KY kill shelter and today he is loved and loving his new family and fur sisters. 


Have a wonderful life, Gabe. We will miss you!


Views: 45


A Gabe Update - 


Hi Lynne -
Gabe is doing great and feeling fine now, thanks for asking!  He's decided he's a lap dog, and he is taking over our bed at night!  Our other two dogs (smaller than he is) sleep with us, so he's decided he should as well.  Frankly, he's so cute he gets away with it.He's really a terrific dog. Total mush.  The whole neighborhood loves him.  We took him to the groomer and had him bathed and trimmed up, and he looks just adorable!  Like a big fluff ball!  When I take some pix, I'll forward you some.
Got one more set of pills to do with all of them for the worms this Friday, and the a week later another set of powders in their food for three days, and hopefully the tests that come back after that will be negative, and we can put this behind us.  Right now I have a basket of pills and powders on the counter for all of them! 
He and Sadie (the 13 pound poodle mix) are having a great time playing together, and actually, having him around has made her a better dog - she's really calmed down a lot.  
He's learning to walk on a leash - we take him out every morning with the other two, and he doesn't want to be left behind when we go.  He's been very easy to train about some things - though he is a shoe theif - we're working on that.  He's loving all the dog toys we have - and he steals them from Logan all the time.  I'd say he's settling right in with the family values.  He's such a sweetheart.
And yes, we love him! A ton!  Hard to believe it's only been two weeks.  Feels like he's part of the family forever.
Thanks for him!
Hope you are well.


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