My doodle is more poodle-like in her hair texture and I can see skin easily. It is not all that thick, iow.  I never had a dog who required a winter coat so I am unsure how to judge this. My Husband and I think she does but... what kind? How heavy does it have to be to really keep her warm? What about her legs? the hair on the legs is not thick either!

does she need it just to go out to pee? a little help, please? TIA, friends.


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J, they are adorable. 

I will check it when going back upstairs.


See now, I just don`t picture this doodle wanting a winter coat.  LOL - Georgia LOVES snow.


She is like Gamine... no coat, just lay in the snow and relax!! What a cutie!

Very cute Doodle au naturelle!! Sue and crew... most of my dogs have never had a coat. But the dood has thin coat and I see pink skin right through it in some areas on her back. I will have to see if it fills in next winter. She was shaved down to the skin when I got her as a close-to-one-year old dog last February. She was never groomed, just shaved down when the matts got too heavy. : (  I have been having her coat trimmed regularly and I groom her myself except for the trim-ips. Her coat is filling in, comin g along nicely, however it is still very thin. I don't want her to be uncomfortably cold when outdoors.

 I think the bright yellow with black trim coat is a stunning combination for the shiny black doodle, Jeanine. Absolutely very handsome and tres chic!

thnx for the pix and brand name.


Thalie too have very special coat. She, like the poodle, do not have undercoat but her hair is more like the Labrador with some curls on her back. We can see her skin on her belly. We have to bath her every second week if not she... stink! That is why I feel that having a coat  when she is outside to play in our cold winter is necessary.

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