We wish we could have told you,
in words you'd understand,
We wanted you to stay with us.
This wasn't what we'd planned.

We wish we could somehow tell you,
How sad and lonely we now feel.
As part of us went with you,
and that pain can never heal.

A chance, a home, a family,
How we longed to see you there
in safe hands that would love and hold you close
and stroke your silver hair.

One thought eases our heavy hearts
and makes our sadness disappear
to know you're finally free of life's suffering
and in a far better place than here.

On behalf of the DRC, we want to thank all the rescuers who helped us in the search for Zsa Zsa, the beautiful silver labradoodle that was lost soon after joining her forever family when she spooked and bolted. It is truly amazing that so many individuals, so many RESCUERS, were involved in trying to save this dog, going beyond what any of us could have anticipated.

So many people answered the plea for help. DRC Director, Lynne Fowler and I were there until 3 in the morning, searching and just hoping she would be found. The hours spent on the search, by all the volunteers, was staggering.

The adoptive family's neighborhood became quite involved in the search as well. Sighting after sighting were called in to them, only to have Zsa Zsa dart for cover in the woods attached to the neighorhood. Another call came in today that she had been seen near the highway. The husband and wife loaded into the car once again to try to get to her.

Before reaching the site, another call came in. Absolutely not the call that one wanted to hear, but they were informed that Zsa Zsa had been hit by a car. She was killed instantly.

The couple called in for local police help while they wrapped her in a blanket and took her for the first and last visit to what would have been her vet. They kept her collar as a tangible momento of the love that they had for the dog they knew so shortly, but loved so much.

The family have two school-aged children who were taken out of their classrooms today, taken home and told the news. Please say a prayer for this family's healing.

And while you are praying for them, thank God or the one to whom you pray that Zsa Zsa touched lives while she was with us. As her first and only foster home, We can tell you she was a very special beautiful pet.

With heavy hearts and many tears,

The Doodle Rescue Collective

Views: 368


OK, tears are rolling down my face. Rest Peaceful, sweet girl.
Thanks to my colleagues/friends for doing the searching that I was unable to do, for feeling my pain as your own, for comforting me for the loss as well, and for encouraging me to keep on keepin' on. I have accidentally fallen in with a great group of people and I am grateful.
I have to admit that I do miss Zsa Zsa a lot. She was one of my favorite fosters. Those beautiful eyes will be in my head forever. They were like art.
OK, now I am crying again reading what you and Kim wrote. What a group...no...what a family, we are!
This is what your family looks.

Poor Zsa Zsa. She touched so many hearts in such a short time.
Goodbye sweet angel, you have moved on to the next part of your journey. You will be met on the rainbow bridge by all your friends and one day you will welcome all of your family, foster and canine. Goodnight sweet girl, you were loved.


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