Ok so i don't know a lot about this dog.He was transfered to this shelter from Califonia. What i know is that He is like 2 years old, weighs like 20 pounds, has a doodle coat, is super sweet, let me groom with not problems. She is not up for adoption yet due to having a bad leg. I have not talked to the shelter about this dog sence it came in. I will update everyone once i know more. If anyone is looking for a doodle in oregon let me know.

The photo is of him after he was shaved.

Views: 367



Update. He has had exrays and has been neutered but i have not been at the shelter to find out the resolts. We dont know what happend to his leg because he is a L.A. transfer
OK news on Chewie. He has been dianosed with a loxating putella. Its a bd case his knee would not stay in and caused sever pain. So he had surgery on it today and will be going to foster for a month to heal then he will be coming back to find his forever home.
Great news. His foster mom is in love with him and has asked if she can adopt him. Yay. She Chewee has a home and and it was under his nose the hole time.
Great news, Beth. Thanks.


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Oodle ~ Poodle ~ Doodle ~ Fuzzy Critter Rescue / Rehome

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