Mateo is NOT in Marina Del Rey......he is in Phoenix,AZ! I am going to see him on Saturday. His owner bought him as a puppy as a present for the grandkids, and now no one has time for him. He has too much energy for them, since he never gets any exercise. They travel alot and he only gets walked if the neighbor, who is handling the adoption, does it. They just want to find him a good home. I think I know one!:) Keep your fingers (and paws!) crossed!

Views: 238


Thank you! I think he going to be good for Lola as well and keep her active. He is so full of energy!

Yes, my husband didn't like Mateo and we were trying to think of something similar sounding. He seems to answer to it. I like Marlow, too! See how dirty he is? Bath time today!
That is exactly what Ron is a new beginning for Marlow!

Congratulations!! He is beautiful and looks like tuns of fun!! Hurrah for Marlow (love the name, too)!!!
He is a! He wants me to have one hand on him and I can't type well that way! He is starved for attention, always right beside myself or Ron. (or in front of us walking backwards while looking at us). Not a peep out of him in his crate at night. He is a really good dog! And Lola even approves :)
He was starved for attention and now that he's getting some, he's afraid it will go away. It will take some time but he will get the message that it's not. I use my foot when on the It let's them know you're still there. I am so happy for you, both.
Marlow is becoming a counter Yesterday when I got home from work, Ron had left out some miniture Snicker bars and a half bag of chips on the counter. They were no longer on the counter. Marlow ate one small Snickers and the chips....I told Ron, no more food out on the counter!
LOL, feeling right at he? Try putting a bunch of pans on the counter hanging off a little. I had a counter surfer, too. When he jumped up and got a few pans crashing down and all the racket they made...he has not surfed since. It's good to have you back, Susan. I hope things are going well for both your boys!
I know about the chocolate and I have already reprimanded Ron and sent him to his corner for leaving it out. :0) Marlow said he likes this new
That's a good idea....I don't want him to get in the habit of doing that! Ron is doing good. Napping right now, but the Mayo said he is doing extremely well.


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