Christmas truly is a wonderful time for miracles and generosity!

The Doodle Messenger, through your very generous donations, has been able to raise $730 so far toward the cost of braces for Sweet Riley!
And, in addition, the wonderful Janice of  has kindly offered to reduce the cost of the braces to help out. She will become one of our Paws of Light Donors on the DM Site:

There is still time for donations to be sent  for Riley...we know it's a tough time of year to ask for money. But if you can donate, even a small can do it through PayPal using the email address Or you can send a check to DM board member Susan. If you'd like to do that, her address is Susan Salzer 3200 River Falls Drive Northbrook, IL 60062

 Please take a moment to check out our Memorial section on the Doodle Messenger site. It's been such a sad year for losing our precious doodles....

AGAIN, thanks so much to all those who have helped Riley and our other Doodles in need. The board of the Doodle Messenger wishes you a very happy holiday!

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Oodles of Doodles is proud to be a part of helping Riley get his braces and are overjoyed by the donations already coming in. 

Ruth with Riley
 through wonderful people…
Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:27am

What a wonderful surprise I had tonight when I was scanning over the Zoo posts…stopped of course when I saw ‘update on Riley’…and, oh my, what can I say. Thank you, to all of you who care about my Riley boy, and to you who have been able to donate…this means so much to us. It means we can get these braces for Riley…it is no longer a ‘we want to…’ it is now a ‘we can do it…yes we can!’ 

I will be giving Janice, at Pawsability, a call to thank her for working with the Doodle Messenger. We will start to make some plans, put together an estimate for the braces. I still have to figure out where we can stay while in Toronto, and estimate the total costs that we will be facing. I have some  to do! 

I hope you can open the attached video…it shows Riley walking on a good day. The video shows the head bob. This is Riley’s way of getting the weight off the left leg…notice how he lifts his head back when the left leg is on the ground. Sadly, this short clip also shows how the right leg is weakened and having trouble supporting him. The braces could give Riley the support that he needs in both front legs…our goal is to keep this beauty boy moving on all four paws with head up high and tail wagging. 

You, my friends, are making this possible. Thank you. 

Video of Riley, moving the very best he can...¤t=2...

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