Part 12 of My name is Marco and This is My Story.......

This past week Marco has taken to hanging out in Papa's living area with him while we're at work. Previously he has been going upstairs to our bedroom as soon as we leave for the day and staying there until we get home. I'm really excited that he's spending his day downstairs in the company of such a sweet, wonderful human. Yesterday while we were at work my sister-in-law came over to visit with Papa and Marco barked and barked because a stranger was at the door. As soon as she came in he went upstairs and stayed awhile. Then he came down and just stood there and stared at her. As soon as she looked over at him he darted back upstairs........a few minutes later he came back down and repeated the whole process. After doing this for the third time, he finally laid down beside Papa's recliner and just ignored her.

This is HUGE progress and I really feel that in just a few short months time he will have adapted very nicely to strangers and not feel threatened........

He has also taken to entertaining himself with his toys. He still doesn't get the "throw and fetch" game......but does love "tug-of-war".......his absolute overall favorite game is to take one of his toys and fling it way high in the air then turn around and catch it as it's falling. He'll do this over and over and over. Then he gets so exited that he turns in circles over and over and over while barking and tail wagging, then he jumps straight up about 2 feet. It reminds me of my mom's toy poodle jumping but this is a 60 lb. doodle doing it. It's hilarious to watch!!!!! I feel like he is finally acting like a puppy which more than likely he's never been allowed to be before. Awe, life is good!!!!!

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