Part 10 of My name is Marco and This is My Story.......

Marco did great today with his neutering surgery. He's only been home a few hours and is very tired and quiet. I know it's just the anesthesia wearing off but it's such a change from his recently found rambunctious self that I've grown accustomed to. And let me just say that he really, really HATES the "cone" he's going to have to wear for the next week so he doesn't rip his stitches out.

When we first put it on him, he stood frozen in place for about 10 minutes. Then every time he tried to go somewhere he would bump into things. Of course, being as smart as he is, it didn't take any time at all before he was maneuvering nicely although the stairs are still difficult for him.

Max and Lilly have been concerned about him all evening, especially's so amazing how intuitive animals are about not only one another, but also humans.....or maybe she's just happy that he's not chasing her wanting to play and give her love nips as he usually does....

Anyway, I think it's very sweet that for the past few hours she has been keeping a close vigil by his side. Although they have been very affectionate with one another since he joined our family, they have never really slept close together....after all, we are talking about a dog and a cat....

Earlier I was watching Lilly as she sat on Marco's doggie bed looking around and just being close to him. Of course he's been sound asleep for quite some time and unaware of her presence. After about 10 minutes later she inched closer (about a foot away from him) and curled up in a little ball. And they have both been sound asleep since..........

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Comment by Susan D. on June 6, 2009 at 7:10pm
Jodie, those are great pictures! Marco is so good looking!

Comment by LM Fowler - Admin on June 6, 2009 at 5:59pm
Poor baby, That darn cone is the worst. Jack hated his. I finally got one of my husbands big t-shirts put that on him and pinned or tied it in place so he couldn't get to himself. He was more comfortable, and still funny. But at least he didn't go bumping into everything. Cat and dog will probably be best friends after this.

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