It's the holidays - Christmas is right around the corner. There is something wonderful about the spirit of giving. I love to give. I really enjoy seeing happy people and pets.
You don't have to have a lot of money to make your dog happy. We came up with some things you can do or make for your dog (or other dogs) that cost nearly nothing.
1. Make a holiday bandana . All you need is a piece of fabric (cute decorative fabric can be as little as $1.00/yard at discount stores) and a pair of scissors. Here are some instructions. Go to:

2. Make some dog treats. Dogs love tasty snacks - so why not make your own? Here is a link to three great recipes. Go to:
Here is another recipe for pumpkin dog treats from one of our pet lovers -
3. Package a gift . Here is an easy idea. Package a dog bone cookie cutter with a treat recipe as a gift. Print recipes from our site and attach to a cookie cutter. You can pick up bone-shaped cookie cutters at cooking stores and discount stores for as little as $1.00.
4. Create a 'make-do" toy. Empty plastic water bottles are a favorite of kennel dogs who become bored without any toys. They will pickup the bottles, do their own tossing game and a bit of chewing. (Monitor for sharp edges and toss when they get old.)
5. Buy pre-owned . Check out the pet section at your local thrift store. Many will have toys, Frisbees, crates and kennels for dogs. A dilute bleach solution (1 part bleach to 20 parts water) works well on most plastics.
6. Bubbles. Blow some bubbles for your dog to catch! You can pick up bubbles at the local dollar store.
I hope you like these inexpensive ideas. They're a great way to keep dogs happy without spending a lot of money.
Until next time,

Dr. Jon

P.S. Another great thing you can do for your dog that doesn't cost a dime is to spend some time together. Play a game, go for a walk, or just hang out on the couch andgive him a good rub! Like I said, happiness doesn't have to have a big price tag.

If you can spare a little money, please go check our friend MARLOW'S website. (Link in the right column) You can find beautiful gifts at a very reasonable price.

Check all our fantastic sponsors, too!


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Member Since 2009
Comment by Jeannine, Gamine & Thalie on December 12, 2010 at 10:06am

Good idea Lynne! My girls like that too. Thalie got the "nose" to smell about everything wrap and knowing if it is good for her or not!

Comment by LM Fowler - Admin on December 12, 2010 at 9:49am

Great ideas, Jeannine.


Another idea is to wrap stuff you buy for the doggies in wrapping paper. My guys have the best fun pulling off wrapping paper on Christmas morning. They can smell what's inside and the anticipation leads to some funny pictures as they try to get to it. Even wrapping a dog biscuit can lead to much fun.

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