Thursday - 8 th 2009

It is wierd to think that we have had Coogee for 5 days already. He is already so at ease here and we can not belive how easy he has been (apart from the very first night!).
He sleeps all through the night, has sniffed the cat but not bother her, eats his food, no more accidental wees in the house, starting to poop regularly outside, really improved on his leash - no too much pulling in all directions AND STILL and gentle as ever!
You can tell that the meds have made him feel much happier. He has started to bounce around more and play with his toys.
We did a big thing yesterday - we had to go into the city yesterday and we left him home alone!
He was not crated, but we kept him in our kitchen with the baby gate, we have been doing this the last few days so he was used to this. Well, we got home and he was not in the kitchen... instead he was on our bed.
I forgot that he is so big and can pretty much do anything he wants!

We are still going to have to work on his boundries and his anxiety with out us.

He rode in the car with us when we took Ollie to school today - he LOVES the car like all dogs, but he refuses to get out! LOL

Here are are few more photos from our walk the other day on Orchard beach right by City Island.

Views: 33


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Member Since 2009
Comment by Jodie Hart on October 14, 2009 at 10:48pm
So happy he's doing so well. Please keep us posted with lots of stories and pictures.

Member Since 2009
Comment by L.A. Brickner on October 12, 2009 at 8:40am
So nice to hear about Coogee. I've adopted his sister, now named Coda. She's been here two nights and is starting to come out of her shell. She was sleepy and cautious the first night, but since dogs live in the moment, she's starting to bounce and play and soon it will feel like she's been here forever.

Comment by LM Fowler - Admin on October 10, 2009 at 7:22am
I am so glad that Coogee is doing well. Like Jac was meant to be. His sister, Midnight will be going to her new home today, too. She was the same way. After a few days of food, love and vets meds, she has begun to bounce and play, too. She was the weaker of the 2 pups, so I am glad she got an extra week to get stronger before going HOME. Kiss that doodle nose for me and THANK YOU for giving him a loving home to live his life in.

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