Views: 195


My question is always the same: Why humans are so cruel and heartless????
Look how they wag their tails even after being so badly treated. I wish human could have just 1/4 of the dogs's heart.
It is probably the most attention they have gotten. Did you notice how dark it was?
Dark, dirty, no foods and the few bowl of water i saw looked more like swamp than real water. I could a poor dog live in that condition.... and their furs were awfully matt and very dirty too. Poor babies.

What happen? Was it a rescue group there? Did they took them in a safe, clean and secure place?
There have been rumblings for months and I don't think it is yet resolved over there. It is very sad. They were charging thousands of dollars for one of their dogs. ALD's were supposed to be Cream of the Crop but from this, they are no better than our BYB/Puppy Mill Rescues.
I have been following a few links for quite awile - here are a few of them....

It makes me absolutely sick to see how these poor, helpless dogs were raised and treated and what a total greedy, heartless, **fill in the blank**** they were to put them through it. Then the lies and deception to the people they were "selling" them for these outrageous prices. Just sick. They should have to sit in those prision cells - that is what they look like to me!!
Thank You, Denise. Rumblings have been circulating about this in the Doodle world for quite awhile and usually where there's smoke, there's fire. The real truth, no matter how well hidden, always has a way of making it's way out. This case is one example of that truth. So many eyes have been opened and I fear there is still more to come.
You know, I never knew what to make of all of the RM drama. Other doodle forums have had heated discussions with some members claiming RM is a despicable place while other members were vehemently defending RM. But I agree 100% with Lynne, where there's smoke, there's fire. Something is not right with RM - those images are sad, telling, and hard to ignore.


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