"We give our hearts to dogs to tear." (Alston Chase)

The real reason I don't think I will have any problem giving up my new foster puppy Kobe is because Kobe doesn't really need ME...Kobe just needs someone. This is a puppy who amazingly seems to have no issues at all...he is happy-go-lucky, adjusts to anything without missing a beat, fears no one and nothing, goes to everybody with equal affection, is content in his crate, in the yard, in the kitchen...just a very confident, happy soul. He will be happiest in a home with kids of his own to play with, and no jealous big brother begrudging him every belly rub. Whatever he has been through in his short life, it must not have been too traumatic.
Lynne's Jack & my Jack were not so lucky.
I think, for me at least, the neediest dogs, the ones who seem the most "lost", are the ones that I have allowed to 'tear my heart.' Maybe it's because I, too, once had a hard time finding a place for myself, learning to feel at home, in the world. I guess I just identify with them; our similar 'gravities' pull us into each other's orbits. I think a lot of you will understand what I mean.
I could tell you I can't keep Kobe because we live in a 1600 sq. ft. ranch without a basement and don't even have room for the 3 people, 1 doodle & 1 cat that are already here; I could tell you that Jack's medical expenses run about $3000 a year, and my own out-of-pocket medical costs are $1000 per month...but those aren't the real reasons that it will be easy for me to let Kobe go when he finds his forever home.
Kobe already knows how to live in the world...he just needs a place to do it.
But there's no telling when another "Jack" will come along and need a heart to tear. That's when I'll need your warnings, dear friends.
Thanks for listening.

Views: 59


Reply by Lynne NJ on September 27, 2008 at 3:01pm

OMG Karen. I'm sitting here crying!!! Our lives are so enriched by these creatures so many times over. The nuerotic, the crazy, the ill, the whatever is no match for the love our Jacks have given us. Your heart may tear, as mine has, but it has been so worth it. I would do it again as I know you would. Kobe is lucky. I know you won't rest until he is in his forever home. I am proud to know you, FRIEND.

Reply by Karen & Jack on September 27, 2008 at 3:03pm

Ditto...from the bottom of my heart.

Reply by Adina on September 27, 2008 at 3:05pm

You and Lynn both...have HUGE hearts, plenty of room for "tearing" ;-) Thank you for all you do!!!
Wow Lynn, those are my thoughts exactly! The fosters that I've had so far for IDOG have all had their little issues, but you nailed it with not needing me. All mine "needed" me as a go between, somewhere to get a fresh start, to realize that the world isn't that bad and there are people who care, but not as a forever home.

I too will probably need support to not add to my personal pack when that special "needs me" one comes along.

Til that time, I'll help them, feed them, encourage them and then send them off with a small piece of my heart to their new forever home, knowing that I made a difference.


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