- that it takes time and a lot of patience to rescue a dog
- that first tail wag might be weeks away
- fears sometimes never go away
- trust is earned over and over again

think of more?

Views: 230


- that grass won't always be scary
- that there's good days and bad days
- that look back is to make sure you're still there
- that when your baby is trotting towards you, she's got a big smile on her face!
- that when she makes friends at the dog park, you feel like a proud parent!
- that new people are scary to them
- that new situations are scary to them
- that loud noises are scary to them
- that being alone is scary to them
- that being in a cage is scary to them
- that we have to be aware of all that
- that the first time she goes up to a scary man is making huge progress
- that the little scared girl is now feeling secure about scary men
- that she finally knows that not all men will hurt her
- that she knows I will protect her & not let any scary men do "it" again
- so she goes & plays with the other dogs even though there are men there!
Woo Hoo!
-That when they do "come around"....it'll bring tears to your eyes
-that they will say Thank you with their eyes
-that eventually they will find out that your family is as weird as they originally thought....but that's a good thing. Gene
It took a year and a half and she, for the first time, was secure enough to go play with others. There were "men" there but she didn't care. It really did bring tears to my eyes, as she went off with the other dogs. She came back after a few minutes (I guess to check on me), then went off again. So proud!
...that bringing a dog into your home and your life is a FOREVER commitment-
- no matter what. Karen & Jack
No matter what! FOREVER!
-that they might ALWAYS counter surf... bad habits that are rewarding die hard. Clark
- that the thought of being hungry again, causes them to do those bad things.
...that there will come a moment when you know
(when you really KNOW)
that HE knows that he is finally home.
And it will be the sweetest moment in your lives together. Karen & Jack
It might take a year or two, but when it happens, it is the most wonderful moment. Sometimes it even creeps up on you. You think you know them so well, then all of a sudden you see a new look, or a new fear, or a uncertainty. Then one night as you sit together and you hear that "sigh" that we have mentioned in other posts, and you just KNOW. Sweet!


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