This is my opinion based on my experience after being a rescuer for too many years to count. I see many pleas for donations to help animals and not far behind them I see the writings of those who have pulled an animal because so many said they would help and then once the animal is out of the bad situation the funds don't come. For those of you in this situation, I feel for you.

I have learned through many trials and tribulations of helping animals that for those of us on a small scale helping animals, we have to enter into it as if we are alone. 

When funds don't come, don't think that sharing your personal problems with everyone will get you the help you need because it won't. 

Don't think that writing about how disappointed and angry you are that donations are not coming in will get you donations because it won't.

Don't think that threatening that an animal will go back to the shelter or worse be euthanized will get you donations because it won't.

The truth is the economy sucks. People are struggling to make ends meet. Laws are not changing fast enough to help animals. Abusers are being let off with a slap on the wrist. Animals are still breeding and new litters are being born every day. There are not enough funds to help all the animals in need. There are not enough homes to house all the homeless animals. That is the truth.

If you really want to help an animal, know first and foremost that you are probaly on your own in helping that animal. Take that responsibility up front. 

I am not trying to discourage anyone from helping an animal, but if you reach out to help an animal and you don't have all you need lined up first - money, safe place, transportation, etc. - then you may become sour from the experience and decline helpnig an animal in the future. 

Know that you must take care of yourself and your own animals first. If you fail yourself and your animals, then what good have you done anyone? What good can you do anyone?

I support the efforts of those of you out there trying to save a dog, a cat, a horse, etc. You truly are all they have. But please think about the whole picture, before you jump into blindly acting off emotion. If you are not prepared, then the very animal you are trying to save may end up with a worse fate.

When I make a decision to help an animal, I accept from the very first step that I am in it on my own. Of couse, I am grateful if I raise donations or have people helping to pull, foster, transport, etc. But I never go into it thinking that I will get all the help I need. I take responsibility from beginning to end. 

Good Luck to everyone out there trying to save the lives of the animals. Remember it is your heart that calls you to do it, but you must enter into the endeavor with your eyes wide open.

Tina P

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