

I did put in a apllication for one of the DRC dogs for adoption. I didn't recieve any response and well now the dog is in Pending, so someone else is adopting him. I am sure whoever is adopting his is a great match for the dog. However, how do I get to know if I did get approved but wasn't a good match for the current dog?? So I can request to adopt another dog in future.


If however there was something in my application which makes me bad choice overall, I can just forget about applying to adopt.


Is there anyway I can get to know that.







Views: 55


Hi, Seema. I am sorry it didn't work out, this time, but don't give up. We are all volunteers and are very particular to ensure each dog is placed in the perfect home. When you applied, you should have received an auto-response saying that we have your application and someone would contact you if it was a match. Because you didn't get a call does not mean that your app was bad, just that another was a better match, maybe.

Don't give up, send in another on any dog you think would be a good match for you and also send in an app to other rescues and shelters. Apps are kept on file and when that perfect doodle comes along, you will know it. Good Luck in your search.


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