Pennsylvania Senate Votes to Combat Cruel Surgical Procedures at Puppy Mills

August 11, 2009

The Humane Society of the United States applauds the Pennsylvania Senate for passing legislation today to prohibit some of the most painful and unsafe procedures commonly performed on dogs at large-scale puppy mills. The bill bans tail docking after five days of age, debarking and surgical birth on dogs, unless performed under anesthesia by a veterinarian. It passed unanimously and now goes back to the House for concurrence.

H.B. 39, sponsored by Rep. Thomas Caltagirone, D-127, will eliminate cruel and inhumane surgical practices at mass dog producing facilities known as puppy mills. Many Pennsylvania puppy mill operators currently forgo veterinary treatment and perform debarking (cutting or scarring a dog's vocal cords), tail docking and other surgeries themselves, often without the use of anesthesia. The new legislation will require that these procedures be performed under anesthesia by a licensed veterinarian.

"We are grateful to our lawmakers, and especially bill sponsor Representative Caltagirone, for working to prevent further animal suffering," said Sarah Speed, The HSUS' Pennsylvania state director. "This legislation is a step forward for our best friends."

Last year, Pennsylvania legislators passed H.B. 2525, which provided basic protections for dogs in puppy mills. The bill doubled minimum cages sizes, banned wire flooring in cages for dogs more than 12 weeks old, and banned the stacking of cages. It also required that dogs have unfettered access to an outdoor exercise area twice the size of their primary enclosure, and that they receive veterinary exams twice a year.

Puppy Mill Facts:

* Dogs at puppy mills typically receive little to no medical care, live in squalid conditions with no exercise, socialization or human interaction and are confined inside cramped wire cages for life.
* Breeding dogs at puppy mills must endure constant breeding cycles and are typically confined for years on end, without ever becoming part of a family.
* There is little regard for the breeding dog's health or any existing genetic conditions that may be passed on to the puppies.
* Dogs from puppy mills are sold in pet stores, online and directly to consumers with little to no regard for the dog's health, genetic history or future welfare. Consumers should never buy a puppy from a pet store or Internet site; instead visit an animal shelter or screen a breeder's facility in person.
* Louisiana, Pennsylvania and Virginia passed laws in 2008, and Indiana, Oregon, Tennessee and Washington State have passed laws this year to crack down on abusive puppy mills.

To learn more about puppy mills, visit

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