How much is too much snow?

Where's the grass? There was a ball here, I think!

I think there's a pool under here somewhere?

Is Spring coming soon?

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Here's another pretty one.

It is so beautiful... from here! It is snowing now, just a bit though. We do not expect more than 1 or 2 inches for the weekend. The "kids" look happy! Le last photo is very beautiful. Don't give up... spring will be here soon and bring all the mud too.
p.s. I didn't shovel one this year yet...
I wish I could say that. It's not fair that we have more snow than Canada! Five wet, snow berried dogs, twenty times a day, salt and paw prints all over my floors and a husband in the hospital is too much. If Spring doesn't get here soon, I'm running away! LOL
I agree with you. You guys are not use of all that snow. The weather is up side down. Yesterday, for the Winter Olympic Games opening, is was pouring rain in Vancouver. This is crazy.
Here's hoping all is well with your husband, Lynne. Best wishes.

I won't tell you what John Marshall had to say on channel 4 this morning. Some things are better left unsaid!

Your pack o' doods is just gorgeous.
Thanks, Patty. He is doing well and should be coming home this afternoon. Who is JM? If he's the Ch4 Weather Man, I have already heard what's coming Monday into Tuesday. At this rate, I'll be teaching into July.

Thank You for your well wishes and I think the doggies are the only one's really enjoying this snow. Believe it or not, in two of the above pictures, the dogs are on the pool. It is barely discernible in the snow. I saw a Robin last week and they are supposed to signify Spring. I think the birds need to be checked for Alzheimers or something! LOL
Hey - love these photos :) They almost blend in with their surroundings, lol. All white fluff balls!

We have NO snow in Oakville, Ontario. You are in a winter wonderland there! Our two love the snow, they have certainly missed it.

Hope all is well honey,
You can have it, I'm sick of it. LOL
Lynne-It has been going non-stop here for 2 weeks and we finally got a break yesterday but even Lizzy with her long ballarina legs is having a problem finding the right spot in the back yard. And then there's poor Sammy at half her size. He finally just jumped into a snowbank and came back looking like a schnuazer snowman! I am also sick of it this year--enough already--don't remember this much mess when we lived in Buffalo, New York. AND it supposed to hit again Sunday or Monday....Anyone for the Bahamas right now!

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