I made some oatmeal cookies and was settling down on the sofa to enjoy a couple.  I turned around to find one cookie missing.  Scout was sitting in the middle of the floor with the cookie in front of her! I neither saw nor heard her get it!  I'm going to call her Stealth Puppy!

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LOL..how cute! DOn't you love how sneaky they can be?
Uh oh, call the Doodle Police. We have a Cookie Monster on our site. Get out the orange jumpsuit. LOL

I am surprised the cookie was still there in front of her. In my house, I would have looked all over as the cookie would have disappeared without a trace and I wouldn't know who the culprit was. They all would look at me with their sweet and innocent, "Who Me?" faces.
Yet another advantage to being a black dog.....enables you to slink around without getting caught!
Ahhh, the sneaky thief - I know this "character" all too well. Allow me to demonstrate through a photo. Pay no attention to the person in the front being distracted by the "oh so cute" goldendoodle, but take a look at the culprit in the back - and the peanut butter sandwich that is in great danger. It is a team effort in my household. (p.s. the person is my sister).

Ha!! Caught red pawed!!
LOL..Marlow's nose is even with the counter when he stands there! He is always in trouble about this..love the photo!
Boo Radley is the ultimate counter surfer. Cheese (usually expensive) is his gem of choice.
Thalie is very good at this too! The worse I saw is my sister-in-law Giant Schnauzer. He is big and nothing from to counter to your plate is save with him! He, too, love expensive cheese and pâté!
My Aussie girls are not tall enough to reach the counter without getting up on two legs and putting their paws on the counter to investigate. Food is usually kept towards the back of the counter. My sister just didn't know the rules when she put her PB sandwich so close to the edge. LOL. Silly, non-dog owners.

Cheese is a favourite here too.
Mine love cheese to but another of their favs is tuna. Whenever I open a can, they come running. They each get a fork-ful and then will lick their chops for awhile afterwards. They are too funny.
Speaking of sneaky thiefs...what do you think of this one?

Looks like it's time to go to a 12-step meeting. LOL

Grant me the strength to not take the beer.
The serenity to know I can't have the beer.
And the wisdom to know that beer is not good for me.

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