It is with the greatest of saddness that I tell you that Peaches, the adorable, sweet, paralyzed poodle who stole everyone's heart - most of all mine - died early this morning after a restless night. Peaches slept in my arms every night-and went to heaven from our bed. I loved her more than I can say. Pls say a little prayer that she runs at full speed, on all fours, over the Rainbow Bridge tor eternal fun with her doggie pals. Farewell Peachpocket. Woof. - Deb

We send our warmest hugs to Peaches' Foster Mom, Deb and our friends at All Things Pawssible Rescue in PA.

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So very sad....poor Peaches. At least she will be in no more pain. God will take care of you, sweet baby!
Thank you, Susan. She came so far and it truly is sad. At least she was loved until the end. It is heartbreaking.
Run and be happy at the bridge Peaches, no more pain.
~Hugs~ to your foster mom Deb
Oh no, this is so sad.. Sending our Prayers- Run free sweet Peaches...She was very special, I'm so sorry Deb..{{Hugs}}
Oh, this is heartbreaking. But, Peaches is now free, and running with all the other doggies at the Rainbow Bridge.
Oh, that is so sad. I am so glad she got to have a "good" death with someone who loved her. That is so's the only way I used to deal with losing human patients in my care - knowing that I helped them have a peaceful, happy, if you can understand that, passing to the next phase. It is a joyous event for the one who is going to the Bridge.....only those of us left behind are sad, and we can take comfort in knowing that they are happy and whole once again. Thank you for all you did for Peachpocket. You have earned another set of wings.
I'm so sad. Deb, why not send your favorite photo of Peach girl to The Doodle Messenger's webmaster and these wonderful words for the Memorial page there. We talk about poodles as the mother's of doodles! We would love to place her there to be immortalized with a photo and your loving words about her. I visit my late Posi doodle there often. Find the Memorial page on and read and see the fur kids there now, together at the Bridge. The webmaster's addy is there to send the photo and your special remembrance to be posted. Please add Peaches, that is the least this girl deserves.
She will be seen and remembered by many. Thank you for being a wonderful foster mom to her.
Peaches knew love thanks to you Deb! That is huge-I believe she is running and playing and waiting for you at The Bridge!
Deb - you are amazing. Peaches is amazing. I haven't been on the website to follow her story, but for some reason I finally "found" you today. Even though I didn't know the details, I was in tears just looking at the photo of tiny peaches on that soft, blue towel. Perhaps her spirit had been called to leave this earth long ago, but she needed to wait until she could experience love & compassion. You gave her a miracle, Deb. Thank you & bless you. My heart aches for you.
I'm so sad to hear this. Poor sweet Peaches. She is now waiting for you Deb on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. thank you for giving her so much love until the end.

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