I'm on my way to pick up my new foster for IDOG. He's 1 1/2 years old and intact! Here are the before pictures.....

I'll update later. I'm going to try and shave him today and he'll be neutered on Thursday. Say a little prayer for me.......

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Poor guy! I can't wait to see what is hiding under that mess!
Thanks all! We just finished a 2 hour grooming session. Removed hard clumps of hair (2 plastic grocery bags full!). He still has a matt for a tail, and 3 mats for feet, with 1 foot almost done. His ears were actually connected to his neck with mats! My #10 blade doesn't even go through that. He was so good. Just stood or rested during the whole thing, giving me kisses through out. He knows I am trying to help. SO far, the kids give him 2 paws up. I'll post some after pictures later.....
Here's a after (still a work in progress) picture. Still need to remove his cement overshoes.....but we're all in for today!
You just made coffee come out my nose! He is "packin!" til thursday. Yes, he came from Trumbull County Animal Kennel......why they call it kennel....it's a kill shelter.
Awe.....he's adorable....and so very lucky to have you in his life! My very first "foster" baby came to me today....it's a totally new and humbling experience.
And bless you for doing it! It's a mixed blessing of joy and sorrow. I cry like a baby when they leave. Except for one of my 6 previous fosters....their new families keep in touch with me and send pictures.That is what makes it all worth while. If you every need any advice...or just someone to rant to....feel free to contact me.
Finished the grooming today....total of 5 HOURS!! Yikes!!

Trumbull say....."Haircuts are tiring!"
Awhh...he is so adorable. Look at that happy face. "FREE...I'm FREE," he's saying. What a difference between the first pic to the last. You are the BEST Doodle Foster Daddy there is, Gene. Keep us posted on him.

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