Does anyone have any good tips about dealing with the snow in the coats?  Indiana LOVES the snow but she turns into a complete snowball out there because the snow sticks in her coat like white on rice.  I've tried multiple beach towels and a comb to get it out but she gets so impatient and she's still wet.  Any tips?

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Thanks guys! I guess we can be thankful she likes the snow! I can't imagine what we would do with her if she did not. Especially on a day like today when we have snow up to her neck!
I spent the day melting "snow dingleberries" (the perfect term, Adrianne) off of Stella and Harley. I can get snow off Stella fairly fast using a towel, but Harley is another story. It was almost as though the snow was glued to his curls and I couldn't remove it easily by hand. I didn't have this problem during the last big storm; the snow seemed drier and he could shake it all off. Today, his lower legs were completely caked with snow/ice and I feared his skin would get damaged if I let it melt off on its own. I used a hair dryer on a low heat setting, held it far away from him and kept my hand against his fur to make sure I didn't burn him. It was much easier to pull the snow out of his fur once some warm air hit it. He couldn't get enough of the snow though, so my hair dryer was put to the test. A professional grooming dryer is now at the top of my wish list.
hi ya.. My Tessa actually has a doggy snow suit. She looks like a riot but it isn't any bother to her and has been a complete saviour with the snow!! I think we ordered it from Poodle It... they seem to have changed the look of the suits now... and I'll admit Tessa looks a bit silly but it really has helped. I hope this photo makes everyone smile!!!

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