I'm hoping maybe having input from others will help me think of important questions to ask a possible new vet.  I am considering a vet that just opened in my Town - right around the corner from me.  Right now I drive almost half an hour to see my vet, which not only is an inconvenience, but worries me in an emergency.  For example, Abbey reacted to her shots and I had to rush back to my vet.  The entire drive (which I was doing WAY too fast) I kept worrying she was going to go into anaphylactic shock - OK maybe extreme but still...  I really love my vet but hate the drive.  If I could find someone closer that I love just as much, well I would likely switch vets. 

Anyways, what would you recommend I do to "check out" this vet?  What should I ask?  My vet came so highly recommended it was easy.  But no one seems to know this new vet in Town. 

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Ask their policy on annual vaccs and see that it matches what you want for your dogs. Ask what they think about titering instead of annual vaccs. Ask what food, he/she feeds his/her own dogs. The most important thing is that they believe like you do or are at least willing to listen to you and not "TELL" you what to do.
Thanks. This is good advice. And funny because I meant to ask my current vet about titters instead of annual vacs, last time I was there, and totally forgot. Good question about the food too - it would not have crossed my mind to ask. My vet carries the Royal Canin line of food, unfortunately, and they are not shy about telling me about it. I simply say no. I am not at all impressed with that line of food.

My vet is pretty reasonable about giving me options rather than forcing solutions on me. And she certainly was caring and concerned with Abbey's reaction to the shots, she called every day to see how Abbey was doing and even offered to watch Abbey while I was at work (but DH and I managed to book time off to care for Abbey).
All Lynne's questions are very good and important but I would think twice before going to a new vet that nobody know... Even for emergency, if his/her office is close where can you go? Is it the same place that you will go if you staying with you current vet? Leaving in Canada, half an hour is not that long driving!!

I was very lucky to find a vet that come home went we need her. She was also very well recommended and do not charge me more that another one. No pushing for the annual vaccine, she do not believe in that either and she is FOR home cooking! A very rare pearl!
Ask if they use Xylazine if they do run like hell. My dog died when a vet used this and it has a risk factor of 43 times higher for death than newer , safer drugs. It is an older drug and it is BAD. The drug manufacturer stated that this is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR DOGS & CATS. My expert witness stated that this should not be in small animal medicine.
Thanks for letting us know about that, Pat. It's true that we have to advocate for our pets like we do for our children.
Yes we do and I intend to fully inform all who will listen. Unfortunately I paid the ultimate cost, My beloved Mutley. Believe me the cost was TOO HIGH. I don't want anyone else to go through this and the veterinarians's won't tell you. In court the vet when asked by the judge why he used this he said "because it was CHEAP" That rings in my ears still. I still get sick from this.
Patricia, what is Xylazine used for? Sorry to hear about Mutley and thanks for sharing so others are aware.
I know, J, half an hour drive isn't that bad, but compared to a 10 minute walk (or two minute drive) - it makes me want to consider the vet especially if I need to get there fast. You are right, in an emergency after hours I still have to go to St. Catharines anyways because it is the only emergency vet in Niagara that I know of.
It is used for a pre anesthesia often for sedation. It is widely used in euthensia. SCARY isin't it? Thank you, I really miss him and always think of him. I was traumatized by what they did to him. I am not the same person I once was. I do not have a sense of well being anymore. I often don't sleep through the night and I continuously am fearful for my other dogs. I do alot of research.
I don't think anyone can blame you because of all you have been through. I know after I lost Magic to the tainted dogfood of 2007, I felt guilty that I did it to her. I fed her that garbage. It caused me to change my thinking about dogs, feeding our dogs, rescuing and many other aspects of having dogs. Everything I am today, is directly related to losing Magic. This site, my rescuing, homecooking for all dogs in my home; Forming my own rescue is also directly related. I couldn't change what happen but I am damn sure going to make sure it never happens again. Try to turn the terrible into something good and important, Pat. Make it your mission to let others know. Then maybe it will not have been in vain. I am sending hugs!
I appreciate that Lynne, I just went before the Md state veterinary board on Friday and will never stop until things get changed. They are not doing their job, they are defending vets and not protecting our pets or us. I am also trying to get the animal laws changed (PROPERTY) BS. No animal should die in any shelter. The USHS has soo much money they could help all states but they care more about publicity. Look at Vick who they helped regain his name. I would love to see their retirement portfollio, stocks etc.
Unfortunately, greed is a mighty enemy. If we can help at all, please let us know. We can sign petitions, write letters to our congress people and make some noise. It will not bring our pets back, but it may save others.

I agree about some of the big "non-profits" and there have been many stories printed about their misappropriation of money to administrative things and not to the animals. It is very sad and a much larger discussion than I can do justice to here. We should think of making it a Doodle Soup Blog for a larger audience.

I am glad you are finding strength out of the terrible. I hope you succeed...for all of us.

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