There is no greater feeling than the love and bond given by your rescue. As Joann and I have experienced this over the years I have become more aware recently. Maybe its just I'm more in tune with the fruits of life or our last rescue Howie just flat out knows Jo saved his life. He has a smile on his face like I've never seen before every time Jo walks into a room. Funny he and I have this in common. As I have watched this for a month now I am sure he has a very special place in his heart for her. When Jo brought him home that day in the car, between the vomiting, pain, and stress he managed to put his head on her and say thank you. If you take the time to take a good long look into their eyes you too will see it. So I guess what I'm trying to say is when the days are long and weary take that look into their eyes and you will see you are a hero too!

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What a beautiful thing to write, Ed. I have 6 rescues in my home and a revolving door of fosters and I have seen that "look" many times. It is hard to explain it to someone who has never adopted a scared, abused or neglected animal but that "look" is the one thing that can melt my heart every time and why I continue do what I do even after all the heartbreak of last year. It is the most wonderful love in the world and I am so glad I have lived it and now you recognize it, too. Sending hugs.
Wow, how beautiful, Ed...and so absolutely on target.

You did express very well all my feeling when I went to pick up Thalie in a little country town in NY state 20 months ago.

The lady at the rescue told me she never was socialized with humans and will not accept treats for me. It took her 10 minutes to accept some. I put myself at her own level and start to talk to her very gently. She was all shaky but finally accept the treat in my hand.

In the car, I made sure she was in the front seat beside me so I could talk to her and pet her a little. She smelled awful and I had to keep all the windows open to be able to breathe a bit, that after she got a good bath in the morning. It took several bath before the puppy mill smell went away.

On our way home she slept a little while and decided to put her head on my lap looking at me with her very sad eyes. THAT WAS MY MOMENT! I knew from there that we will always get the special connection between the two of us. It is still there and she is my girl even if she love her Dad very much.

When I'm in a room she will come near me and wait for me to pet her. She will sleep beside me on the couch and if I leave the room she is following me all the time. She is my little shadow!

Now I love my big girl Gamine very very much but only have that special connection with my rescue girl Thalie.

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